Wednesday, January 03, 2007

We're home!

We made it home from the hospital. Here's a pic of Cayden in his car seat. We just walked in the door, and he slept the whole way home, and about an hour after we got home. The cats aren't quite sure what to think. They all sniff him, until he cries. Then the one comes over and looks to see what's wrong, one walks away, and one growls and fluffs up its tail. They'll get used to him eventually. Kat will be home at 8 from Awana. She spent all day Tuesday with us at the hospital, so she's already gotten to hang out with him a little.
Anyhow, that's the latest. Enjoy the pics!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Cayden James is here!

Well, we had a boy :-) 15:42 12/31/06 7 lbs 5 oz. 19 1/2" Anna had a C-Section, as he was breech. He's fine. She's fine. It's all good.