As the title says, it's been a while! A lot has happened.
Our Sebae Anemone died. We were told suvival rates were 50/50 for even the experienced aquarist. We wanted to get a new anemone but were planning a tank upgrade, so we wanted to wait. Now we have a 125 gallon tank. After it was all set up, we got a Blue Carpet Anemone. We added 24 crabs, and 12 snails to the tank to help clean up. I just got a protein skimmer the other day too, and got it plumbed 2 days ago. Things are looking better already. We now also have a Branching Hammer Coral, Green Striped Mushroom coral, and a Candy Cane coral too. My old 55 gallon setup is in the garage now, looking for a new home! If anyone knows a place it could go, let me know! We also got a Yellow Hawaian Tang.
We are still working on the basement, and want to get paneling up so that's done, too. The electrical wiring is at a stand-still until the paneling is done, so I can get the wiring in that room done.
Anna is doing well with the pregnancy. We are sure on the name now, but aren't sure yet on the spelling. Kaden means Fighter, Cayden means Spirit of Battle, Kadin is Arabic - it means friend, companion. I think I like Cayden. Then we could call him CJ for short.
The business is doing a little more. I have a friend that is sending me work at major stores in the area. I did 2 jobs at the local WalMart in South Bend, and Mishawaka. Telecommunications stuff, not computer. Hey it pays with green!
Work is going well, I am working 2 long days. Tuesday and Wednesday I have been working from 6am to 8pm. I've been getting 62-64 hour checks. It wears you out, and there isn't much family time those two days, but we have our bills paid. Next week we are working 3 9-hour production days, and then Thursday and Friday are Inventory. Won't be a "long" week, but hopefully I'll still get my 2 long days, and that should make up for some of the lost time.
We are having a baby shower on Nov 11th at Terri and Grant's house in Mishawaka. If you can/want to come, you are more than welcome, just call us or email to let us know. It's a family thing, Women can do 'baby shower things', kids can play in the basement, and guys (myself included) can play billiards in the garage. I will have my 6000+ song music collection with me! We are registered at Babies-R-Us and Target.
Well that's all I can think of for now!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
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