Anna designed it, and we both built it using the table saw Anna's dad bought from my Dad.
What do you think?! I think it turned out nice!
Well, when I got home today, I had my nephew Stephen with me & he noticed that Hermione (our youngest cat) was limping. So I picked her up & looked at her right forepaw. I noticed some swelling & then noticed that it appeared her index toe was twisted & that the claw appeared to be stuck between her middle & ring toes. Well, rather than attempt to help her myself, I put her down & waited until Eric got home. We couldn’t figure out exactly what was wrong with her toe still, so I called the vet. They recommended we take Hermione to the emergency clinic or wait & make an appointment for Friday. We decided to go to the clinic with her- she was very uncomfortable. So we headed to the clinic & after a rather short wait, we were seen by a wonderful vet. After a very thorough exam of her paw, the vet saw that her index toe was dislocated & twisted under her paw. But the good news is, is that there are no apparent broken bones. Basically, Hermione had attempted to declaw herself (she had accidentally gotten caught on one of our rugs). So the vet said that she recommends we leave her alone but keep an eye on the toe. She said if it gets twisted up again or doesn’t stay straight, she’ll either have to wear a splint or be declawed (at least on that toe). We also have to keep her claws trimmed (which is normal for us to do). In the end, it was a rather happy ending. I mean, at least we didn’t have to pay for x-rays or anything. They gave us, or rather sold us, some anti-inflammatory medication with painkiller to give Hermes every other day for 3 days. We determined that taking her to the after hours probably actually saved us money, since I would have had to take off of work AND pay a vet bill otherwise. Plus, knowing the regular vet, they’d want to set up an extra checkup appointment, for which there’d be a $30 office visit… yeah. No thanks. So, that’s all for now!
We are planning a baby celebration on Saturday, Nov 11th at 4:00pm at our home. Dinner will be served. Please RSVP if you plan to attend. We are registered at babiesrus.com and target.com If anyone would just like to donate to the baby fund, we will spend the money to get the supplies we will need! Anyone wishing to donate needs to just PayPal my main email address.
Well, our saltwater fish have Ich. I think the Tang brought it home from the “other” store. This morning when I got up she looked horrible. The two clowns had spots on them too. I stopped at Midwest Corals and got some medicine for them. It says 5 days should treat it. We’ll see what happens. We got more rock for the tank. Now we have 60 lbs. There are lots of places to hide and I think the fish are really enjoying it. Gurgle is still hiding a lot. Once the Ich clears, I think we are going to look into an anemone and maybe some mushrooms. We are done buying fish, unless one dies. I have more pictures in case anyone wants to see them. Just email and ask me for them.
Tonight, sometime after we got home from the grocery store, Nemo jumped out of the tank. Katarina walked over by the bathroom, looked at the floor and said, “Hey look, Nemo!” He’s dead… hitched a ride on the porcelain express. :(
I got the 55 gallon saltwater going. I have a total now of 20 lbs of live rock. The skimmer works great, and I got a pump going, and it works great. We just got some more fish for our saltwater tank. We got a Clownfish, a Gold Rim Tang and a Coral Banded Shrimp. My new lights should be here Monday, and then we can host any number of coral, anemones or whatever else we choose.
Anna is 10 weeks along & doing fine. Her 1st exam will be on June 26th.
Kat is doing well & is looking forward to the arrival of “Baby Brother-Baby Sister.” (That’s her own special name for the baby).
That’s pretty much all for now!
Well, we just found out proof positive today, Anna is pregnant! Her due date is January 8. She looked up calculations online, she hasn’t gone to the doctor yet. Yes, we have names picked out already.
Boy: Kaden James
Girl: Kitana Jewel.
Now you know!
Well, for those of you who don’t know, I have a freshwater 55 gallon tank with my Oscar, and a few other miscellaneous fish. We decided we wanted to try to tackle a saltwater tank. People say they are expensive, and hard to maintain. So far we have had Dan, our blue-devil Damselfish for a month or so. We have a 20 gallon tank set up with some live rock, and an actinic blue light to promote coralline algae growth. We bought ANOTHER 55 gallon tank, and I am getting ready to make it a saltwater tank. Saltwater has to have a top skimmer to filter the water, not a tube down in the water. I up fitted my aquarium with a corner skimmer box (custom made, of course) and an overflow tube to siphon out the water. (Somewhat complicated if you haven’t seen one before, but really quite simple) I made it all out of acrylic. I am just getting ready to silicone it to the tank, and test it out. So far, so good. A friend at work told me he had a few spare parts for me to use. After going to his place he realized the kids all but destroyed it. All the plastic had cracks in it. He said “fix it, and it’s yours. I did, so now I have an Amiracle wet-dry trickle filter (these are like $100+ at the LPS…local pet store). I also fixed overflow skimmer that was broken, but I don’t need it, so I’m going to give it back to him.
Anyhow, once I get the skimmer in place, and get the pump for my trickle filter, I am going to start adding water to the tank, and getting my new 55 gallon tank a reef tank, hopefully. I want an anemone and a clownfish. First I need better lighting though. That’s the NEXT big money sucker.
We had a yard sale yesterday, and made about $20. We got Katarina’s new windows put in, so that’s done. And, Anna is sick today.
I have to finish up the garage hall, so I’ll close now!
Not much going on, I just wanted to post since I haven’t in a while.
The trailer still sits in the yard. No rush on that project. I started the basement wall, and got plastic up, and some of the studs. I ran out of wood, and we haven’t gotten more yet. We started another new endeavor. We are starting up a saltwater aquarium. They are very specific and temperamental. We think it will be a challenge for us. So far, so good! It’s really nice so far.
On June 5, (Monday after Memorial Day) we are planning to go to the Shedd Aquarium in
Well the trailer is mostly fixed. I got new steel welded back on the rear. The tongue coupler came in, and I bolted that on also. So far, I’m only out about $40, plus I have to put new plywood on. The hitch on the truck is bent, but we don’t think it’s bad enough to change the hitch… yet. Maybe next year we will. I plan to go to the store to get the wood, and bring my cordless screwgun with me. I’ll just put the wood on the trailer there, and then screw it on in the parking lot! Hey, why not!?
Hours are starting to go up at work. I worked 10 hours pretty much every day this week, made out with 44 for the week, and was still off at 10:30 on Friday.
The work is done on the basement walls that were cracked. They installed 4 carbon fiber strips with epoxy, to the walls. Now I can proceed with my stud and insulation job.
I can’t think of anything else exciting going on, so TTFN!
Garage is done. All the work is inside the house now! Once we finish the
hall, we are going to finish painting the bathroom, and then the basement.
Then Anna wants window seats in the front 'porch' area! Busy me!