Sunday, September 03, 2006

New Fish/Other news

We got 2 Clarkii clownfish, and 2 pyjama cardinalfish. One of the pyjamas stressed out and died the same night, but one is still alive. I also built a new canopy for the top, and got 2 150W metal halide lights. Now our anemone will have plenty of light. The tank seems to get too hot, so I am planning on setting some fans to blow down across the water to cool it. We also got a candycane coral.
We got a toy cabinet, so to speak, for Kat's room. Found it at a garage sale for $15. They asked us what we'd pay for it. We offered them 10 and they said SOLD. We put a lot of stuff (books, toys, etc.) in there. We are going to bring the crib back from Anna's parents house maybe today or tomorrow.
Have a happy Labor Day weekend!

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